A few views from the March '08 Snow storm general craziness that landed upon us mortal souls in Ghettoville and Gansterville over by the intersection of Purdue and Agler near Little Mogadishu.
Cranky, bearded, left leaning, merry contrarian; roadtripping, learning disabled, miseducated intellectual; Appalachian, desperately seeking a sense of humor, queer as a three euro coin; Gore Vidal and Noam Chomsky reading happy ex-pat contentedly living abroad; tree hugger, Arab fanatic, EUtopian, libertarian (as in Bessie Smith's It Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do); free speech advocate, swimmer, urban bicyclist and Metro rider. Over caffeinated conspiracy theorist. Daily trying hard to maintain an open mind despite the constant struggle. favorite pass time - desecrating the English language out of disrespect for the tyranny of the Anglophones with the history of the world. Heart broken by American foreign policy and its consequences within the states and abroad. Pissed off by the current short sighted corporate cruelty of the oily Bush administration. Anti-military, non troop supporting, flag burner. A post United States free North America envisionist.
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